CRYSTAL COMPANIONS by Marion Webb-De Sisto
The Use of the Mineral Kingdom within Modern-day Metaphysics
An innovative look at how crystals and crystal skulls are being incorporated into various modern-day metaphysical pursuits by the author and other practitioners in order to improve their performance. The effect crystalline energy has on therapies, spiritual pursuits and divination techniques is highlighted in this book, together with brief outlines on the histories of these various practices.
Such disciplines as Past Life Regression, Reiki, Yoga, Shamanism and Crystal Therapy are documented and discussed in detail. Divination strategies of the Tarot, the Runes, Scrying and Dowsing are also combined with the properties of the mineral kingdom, and the resulting outcomes are explored. In addition, helpful exercises, recommendations and crystal ‘know-how’ are included for both the professional and the novice.
The author is a qualified Crystal Healing practitioner and her examination of various crystal-enhanced procedures is a valuable handbook for anyone interested in discovering the powerful crystalline world and its impact on healing, spirituality and divination.
This book has been placed more than once in the top 100 of the US and UK Amazon's Category Sales Ranks for books about Crystals, Divination and Disciplines & Techniques.
Marion Webb-De Sisto was born and grew up in the UK, but spent many of her adult years in the US. She now lives with her American husband in the Greater London Area. This author enjoys creating tales of adventure and romance that are set in the world of angels and demons. She holds a fascinated interest in the Celestial Hierarchy, as well as in several Fantasy realms and other realities.
Marion has also written five non-fiction books. Two detail her contact with the spirit world, while two others give insight into the beautiful and fascinating crystals and crystal skulls. Another one shares information about the healing Bach Flower Remedies. Her books have been repeatedly placed in Amazon’s top 100 sales rankings for specific subjects, e.g. Crystals, Channeling, Herbal Remedies, Fantasy Epic and Divination.
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